Wednesday 13 Jul 2016

Day 32 Ljubljana (Slovenia) to San Martino di Castrozza (Italy) 454kms

(The official report says there was heavy rain (sometime hail) all morning and that instead of seeing the spectacular Italian Dolomites, the crews were lucky to see 20 metres in front of them. )

How it looked from inside the 240Z

Big day and no time for a blog ATM.

  • Amendments issued at start said the 5th and 6 sections of the day were cancelled as police had advised the road couldn’t be closed.
  • Rained heavily during and after the 2nd section.  Down to 10kph, 4 way flashers on – unable to see – some hail. Water leaks everywhere.
  • Section averages dropped to 50kph.  Should be easy, but we were 26 seconds late on the 3rd.  No visibility – wet slippery tar.
  • Then times on the following transport become very tight.  All competitors start sprinting on the run to the finish.
  • Organisers waived late penalties at end of day.
  • San Martino di Castrozza is a ski resort on a very high mountain.  Could not afford the time for a refuel on the way into town so went to finish, then retraced route.  We were able to coast downhill with engine stopped for 12.5km to get fuel from the last servo passed.

how the road showed on my lap top screen's GPS app

when the fog lifted......



Next: snow cancels some stages, but a good day of rallying



